World Embroidery Series II: Kutch Embroidery

A Virtual Class with Shahnaz Khan

Colorful embroidered design on fabric.

A Virtual Class with Shahnaz Khan


Dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries in India, this interlaced embroidery motif  is believed to have originated with the cattle breeders (Kathis) and shoe makers (Mochis) of Western India.  Practiced in the Sindh regions of Pakistan and the Kutch district of Gujarat, India these  interlaced crosses go by many names. 

Often referred to as Sindhi  Tarpoa, Sindhi Kadhai, or simply Kutch stitch, its spiky corners resemble the thorns of the Gando Baval tree leading to its nickname, Bavariya Bharat. 

Traditionally practiced on cotton and silk in vibrant colors, these crosses can be used to create borders, geometric designs and more intricately depicting flora and fauna of the region. 

Inspired by an antique textile found while traveling in India, this class will lead students though the process of laying down a foundation using herringbone stitches, followed by an intricate pattern of interlacing. 

Once the basic technique is mastered, students will be given the opportunity to follow a more intricate design and  be encouraged to create their own. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023


12pm – 2:30 pm EST

Zoom, a link will be send to participants the day before class

$60 for the individual class, $350 for the series

*This session will be recorded. A link to the recording will be emailed to all those who register following the live session. This link is live for one month for you to watch at your convenience.


  • 1 piece non-stretch fabric (cotton or linen recommended) approx. 8”-12” square
  • 6 strand cotton embroidery floss
  • Size 5 Embroidery needles 
  • Embroidery scissors or snips
  • Embroidery hoop
  • Optional : graph paper for design, extra fabric for practice. 

Shahnaz Khan

Shahnaz is an embroidery artist and educator focused on the preservation of traditional techniques and their use in contemporary art. 

Connected through her cultural heritage to Pakistan and Greece, Shahnaz loves what can be gleaned about culture and history through the various adornments of cloth with a needle and thread.

Her embroidery practice has led her to work on a variety of projects including: visual art collaborations, couture fashion (Alexander McQueen & Burberry) and most recently a commission for HBO’s Gossip Girl. 

An interview with Shahnaz is included in Jen Hewett’s 2021 publication, “This Long Thread: Women of Color on Craft, Community, and Connection”. 

Shahnaz lives in New York City where she works as a costume tailor for Broadway, film, & television, while maintaining her embroidery practice. 

Shahnaz loves teaching and hopes to be able to inspire her students to incorporate traditional embroidery techniques into their contemporary work.



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