Honoring Our Ancestors

A Virtual Lecture with Susan Hudson

Woman wearing turquoise and silver necklace.




Susan Hudson, “Navajo quilter Susan Hudson, Quilts episode,” YouTube, uploaded by Craft in America, 28 December, 2019.

Susan Hudson, The indigenous Children Want to Know Why Quilts, Exhibition of the Craft in America, 7 March, 2020.

Ya a’ tey, (Hello)

Susan Hudson yii niish yii (I am Susan Hudson)

Kee Yaà áanii nish lii’ (I am born of the Towering House People Clan)

Deshchii’ Nii  ii’ ee baa’ shish chiin’  (I am born for the Apache People Clan)

Taabaa ii’ ee’ daa’ shi chei (My maternal Grandfather is from the Water Edge People Clan)

Naaki’ Din na ii’ ee daa’ shi Naah lii’ (My paternal Grandfather is from the Apache People Clan)

I live in Tooh Haltsooi (Sheep Springs, NM) on the Navajo Reservation. My mother taught me how to sew out of necessity, since we were so poor, she couldn’t afford to buy us clothes. She learned how to sew while she was at Toadlena Boarding School.  

In order to be able to tell many stories with my quilts they have to be able to evoke emotions in people and to speak for themselves. From the very first dream that I have been blessed with, to sew it into reality, to the very last stich I am able convey the emotional impact that the quilt had on me.

To ensure that our Ancestor’s stories are never forgotten, I have made a mark on the Native Quilting world, and to open the doors for those that will come after me. To show that it has taken generations of Native quilters to help me become the artist that I am. By taking quilting to another level, I have combined Quilting and Ledger Art consequently becoming a Contemporary Ledger Artist. 

By using the best quality materials my quilts can withstand the elements and time and to ensure that our decedents will be able to look at my quilts. 

The honoring of our ancestors, those that lived, cried, shed blood, and died so we are able to be here and to tell their stories.

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023


2 pm – 3:30 pm ET

Zoom, a link will be send to participants the day before the event

All Tatter lectures are considered community programming and therefore ticket prices are donation-based. The suggested donation for each of these lectures is $25. Donations start at $15 for each lecture and $90 for the whole series.

*This session will be recorded. A link to the recording will be emailed to all those who register following the live session. This link is live for 24 hours only.


Susan Hudson, Towering House People Clan, is an award winning artist working in the medium of quilting. She has been a featured TV guest and lecturer across her career, sharing legacies of indigenous quilt making and invaluable perspectives on her own communities’ histories. Her quilts, work honouring her ancestors and holding the settler state accountable for atrocities committed against indigenous peoples, have been recognised by the Navajo Nation Fair, Window Rock, AZ, the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonies, NM, the Museum of Man in San Diego, CA, and at the Indian Arts and Crafts Association, NM, among others. Her work can been seen in museum and private collections across North America. 

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